Lycium barbarum Goji Berry Plant

Goji Plants will fruit heavily throughout Summer and Autumn. The plant is a deciduous, long living perennial that will develops a trunk will multiple fruit bearing branches.
Key Features:
Goji juice, dried berries and chocolate coated Goji Berries are the latest health trend around the world. World-wide demand for the berries have made them expensive to buy, so why not grow your own!?
The plant can also tolerate frosts and high temperatures with a range from -15 C up to 40 C, making it a very hardy plant. Goji Berry Plants prefer a well drained soil, but will need protection from slugs, snails, and other pests during its first year of growth.
Plant Landscape:
Goji Plants can grow to 3m and can be pruned to suit your garden or landscape - even small gardens!
- Max Height: 3m cm

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