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Libertia ixiodes Goldfinger


Looking for fantastic golden yellow cascading foliage? Then Libertia Goldfinger is the plant is for you! The elegant weeping foliage of this selection has a prominent golden yellow central stripe. Goldfinger features profusions of pure white star like flowers are produced in clusters just clear of the foliage from mid Spring, followed by attractive large yellow berries in Autumn.

Key Features:

Libertia Goldfinger has a compact clumping habit, with very bright eye-catching foliage.


Libertia Goldfinger has a low water requirement once established, it is very hardy. Prefers a moist, fertile, well drained soil. Fertilise annually with a long term slow release fertiliser.

Plant Landscape:

Libertia Goldfinger is a delightful plant that inspires and is ideal to provide year round interest. In a perennial border or as a low maintenance pot, Libertia Goldfinger is perfect. Can also be planted in a container plant on the patio or deck. Goldfinger looks great when planted on mass and it's vibrant colour is outstanding!

  • Max Height: 60 cm
  • Size: 60cm x 60cm
  • Position: Full sun, part shade.
  • Water Rating: 2
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