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Cordyline Albertii


Cordyline Albertii is remarkable with a head of sword shaped green leaves that have a cream variegation with pale red toward the trunk, it isn’t a new plant but has been quite rare due to difficulty to mass produce. This plant will add the wow factor to your garden and landscape designs, it’s classy and stylish! Upright, trunk forming with age, the leaves have a weeping habit.

Key Features:

Maginficant rare form. Cream & green variegation with pale red.


Frost tender, drought, coastal, wind tolerance. Fertilise annually with a long term slow release fertiliser. As the trunk forms, tear away spent foliage rather than cutting, this gives a spiraling effect up the trunk. Albertii has a low water requirement once established.

Plant Landscape:

Use as feature plants up your driveway or single specimens. Looks great next to ponds and water features, people will want to know what it is. It really stands out against other Cordylines. Pot into large decorative pots for an amazing display.

  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Max Height: 400 cm
  • Size: Height 4m
  • Position: Full sun
  • Origins: New Zealand
  • Water Rating: 2
  • Synonyms: NZ Cabbage Tree
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