Plant Search

Grevillea lanigera Dwarf Greencape

This evergreen compact native has fine dark green foliage, which adds a striking contrast for the [ more ]

Dianthus Angel of Grace

The Scent from Heaven landscape carnations are brilliant selections from Dr Keith Hammett’s most recent work, [ more ]

Cordyline australis Red Star

Lovely ruby red to burgandy foliage. Flowering in summer, with long white to tan drooping panicles.

Clematis petriei x marmoraria Perfection

An attractive low growing ground covering shrub with small white flowers with lime green centres that [ more ]

Ficus carica Figalicious™

Native to the Middle East and western Asia, it has been sought out and cultivated since [ more ]

Grevillea lavandulacea Billy Wings

A beautiful low growing Grevillea, forming a dense shrub growing 30cm high and upto 1m wide. [ more ]

Nemesia fruiticans Sweet Treats Raspberry Lemonade

Sweet Treats™ Nemesia feature small dark green foliage and large highly fragrant flowers over a long [ more ]

Hibiscus Summer Sensations Blushing White

Summer Sensations Hibiscus are a range of hardy, compact, deciduous shrubs. They will bring a touch [ more ]

Dianthus Angel of Harmony

The Scent from Heaven landscape carnations are brilliant selections from Dr Keith Hammett’s most recent work, [ more ]

Lagerstroemia indica Infinitini Orchid

Infinitini Crepe Myrtles are a space saving, robust, compact plant growing 60 to 75cm high.